Thursday, February 15, 2007

Lost is Back!

Last night was the second installment of a run of 16 uninterrupted episodes that will finish out the third season of my favorite TV show, Lost. If you're not up to speed on this incredible show, Wikipedia actually has some great entries about it. Of course, you'll never be completely up to speed. That's the point--this serial mystery always keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat.

So why am I so obsessed about this show? Why have I been known to spend entire Saturdays watching episodes on DVD or on ABC's website?

First of all, I think this show is just plain good drama. Yes, it has some elements of a soap opera, but what good show doesn't? The cliffhangers at the end of every single episode keep you coming back. The characters are all interesting and the show gives you just enough about their back stories, a little bit at a time, to make you long for more.

But I also think that this show is the most theologically and philosophically compelling television show on the air, perhaps the best in this respect that there has ever been. The basic story arch deals with the interlocking concepts of fate, coincidence, and providence. By focusing on the interconnectedness of the characters--both before and after the crash--the show flirts with notions of communal destiny and the webs of relationships that bind us all together in a complex web of humanity. Cause and effect, actions and consequences all collide in a mind boggling plot that suggests that none of us are alone. The mysteries of the island that the survivors find themselves on point to both human experimentation and supernatural forces beyond human control.

One of these days I want to do something big with this show. There is so much potential for fascinating conversation and reflection. Plus, it's a whole lot of fun.

If you haven't been hooked by Lost, get on board. You can watch the first two seasons on DVD and the current season on ABC's website. Once you get caught up, shoot me a line and we'll have lots to talk about.

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