Thursday, July 26, 2007

We All Can Help...

Check out this great story ("Youths take a stand against hunger") at the Greater Chicago Food Depository. By raising $261 with a lemonade stand in Brookfield, three boys were able to provide over 1000 meals for the hungry in Chicago. Way to go, guys!

The boys got all the materials for the lemonade stand from Sunkist as part of their Take a Stand program. This is a great way for young people (ages 7-12) to help out others in need. Are you interested in doing something like this? It would be awesome to have a bunch of Fourth Church Children and Youth raise money for the important work of the Elam Davies Social Service Center here at the church. Order yourself a lemonade stand and we can help you get the money to the Social Service Center. We'll also be sure to report on your efforts here on our blog.

When life gives you lemons...

Severus Snape: Friend or Foe?

While I'm pointing out great articles at Sightings, here's one about Harry Potter: "Severus Snape and the Transparency of Evil."

Some of you may have finished the final installment of the Harry Potter series, so you may know the final word on Severus Snape and his loyalties. If you do, don't spoil it for others!

This article makes the important theological point that no one is really purely evil or purely good...we're all a mix of both and we need to remember this when we think about others and ourselves. The character of Severus Snape gives readers of the Harry Potter series an opportunity to explore this ambiguity that is at the core of human nature.

Ape Religion?

Do you have an opinion on the debates about evolution, creationism, or intelligent design? This whole thing was quite a stumbling block for me when I was growing up in a fundamentalist Baptist church. In fact, I continued to wrestle with this until a few years into college. I'm happy to say that now I don't see a conflict between science and my faith, but that realization didn't happen overnight.

Wherever you stand on this issue, you might be interested in this fascinating article, "Religion of the Apes", from Sightings, one of my favorite Internet publications. The author begins by noting a recent conference at the Lincoln Park Zoo here in Chicago and goes on to make some intriguing observations about ape behavior. His comments suggest a pretty close link between ape culture and human culture.

As I write this, I'm reminded of an exhibit I saw this past spring at the San Diego Museum of Man on human evolution. If you are ever in San Diego, you should check it out!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Senior High Car/Dog Wash

I know it was a while ago (July 1), but I finally have some pictures from the Car/Dog Wash. This was a great fundraiser to help support or upcoming WorkCamp to Hazard, Kentucky. Check out the pictures at this Facebook album: Senior High Car/Dog Wash.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Elevation WhirlyBall

This past Sunday a small group of us had a WhirlyBall court all to ourselves for three hours. It awesome--I have the bruises and Natasha has the whiplash to prove it!

WhirlyBall is one of my favorite things ever. Besides Chicago itself, WhirlyBall is just about the best thing to come out of the Midwest. One of my most memorable sermons was a confirmation sermon called "WhirlyBall Changed My Life." It did...and still does!

If you missed out, don't worry. There will be many more opportunities for WhirlyBall in the future. And Senior Highs will be playing in August, so don't worry...we're not forgetting you!

Another Great Blog from Ghana

A while back I posted a blog from my friend Kimberlee who is currently serving as a Young Adult Volunteer in Ghana. Her most recent post will really make you think:

it's sort of like camping...