Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Go Bears! Fight Hunger!

Hey Bears fans,

Here is a great way to support our team and help fight hunger. This is totally easy and is for a great cause, so vote as often as you can!

This literally takes 60 seconds - here's how it works . . click on the link below. Choose the CHICAGO BEARS and then submit your vote. The team with the most votes wins canned food for local food bank.

And - right now - the PACKERS are winning. The Bears are way, way behind!

Please vote for the BEARS in Campbell's Chunky Soup "Clicks for Cans". The team with the most votes, and the team most improved vote total each win cans for its local food bank. Help the people in CHICAGO by simply "clicking for cans".

It's easy, just 3 clicks of your mouse and you're done! Vote early and vote everyday for a greater impact to fight hunger in Chicago . No personal information is required.

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