Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Healthy Body Image

A CNN article titled "Skinny Models Banned from Catwalk" reports that a top-level fashion show in Madrid has turned away significantly underweight models, a first in the fashion industry. The move comes after years of protests that girls and young women develop eating disorders as a result of efforts to emulate the super thin models that frequent catwalks and advertisements. As you would expect, many in the fashion industry aren't taking kindly to the ban and feel that they are being used as scapegoats for eating disorders.

I think a move away from unhealthily thin models and actresses is a good thing. A Spanish official hit the nail on the head when she said that "Fashion is a mirror and many teenagers imitate what they see on the catwalk."

It's about time that someone takes responsibility for the body images that our culture promotes. Now, who will take responsibility for the boys and young men who abuse their bodies with steroids and excessive weight training?

What do you think?

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