Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm as Christian as fried chicken and baked ham...

...or is it bread and grape juice?

Old school comic Jackie Mason is suing the religious group Jews for Jesus because they have used his picture in a pamphlet they have been distributing. You can read about the story here. Jews for Jesus are Jews who believe that Jesus is the messiah but continue to consider themselves Jewish, maintain various Jewish practices, and have adapted some Jewish traditions to reflect their faith in Jesus.

In a statement related to his lawsuit, Mason had the following to say: "While I have the utmost respect for people who practice the Christian faith, the fact is, as everyone knows, I am as Jewish as a matzo ball or kosher salami."

It got me thinking, what food would I use to describe my faith? Every church potluck I've ever been to has always had fried chicken. And where I come from, we always had ham as part of our Christmas and Easter meals (which I always think must be a subconscious way of proving that we aren't Jewish). But of course, the classic Christian food is bread and wine (or grape juice for most of us Presbyterians).

So, what food would you use to describe your faith?

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